The Single Mom’s Guide to Self Care: Part I


Being a single mom usually means almost all your time is spent caring for your little one. Yoga classes, sleeping in, long hot showers, nights out with your girlfriends… those seem to be a thing of the far distant past.


“As parents, we often dismiss even the most basic of tasks for ourselves…” points out one Northern Virginia-based Parent Support Organization.


And yet, neglecting ourselves takes a toll - not just on our own wellbeing - but on our parenting skills. After all, how can you make smart decisions, keep a level head, and take care of an energetic youngster, when you’re sleep-deprived, worn out, stressed, and hungry?


That’s why today we’re looking at some easy ways to work self care into your lightning-speed lifestyle.


How to Treat Yourself Well… On the Fly

Here are some can-do strategies for implementing self care… even when life is crazy busy.


Make it Easy

Usually, the world makes it easier not to care for ourselves. Fast food is easier to grab than a home cooked meal. It’s a lot easier to turn on your favorite show than take a Pilates class. And when we have so much to accomplish, it’s easier to just get up an hour earlier than it is to prioritize restorative slumber.


To combat the lure of an unhealthy lifestyle, find ways to make healthy choices a no-brainer. Keep nutrient-rich, easy-to-cook meals in your refrigerator. Set your alarm five minutes later every morning. Keep your yoga mat out on the living room floor, so you can plop down and do a downward dog pose - any old time you choose.


Build Habits

“The human brain is wired to favor routine over novelty,” says an article in Psychology Today.


To be rockstars at self care, we need to make healthy choices an automatic instinct. To do this,  start building healthy habits that are a regular part of your everyday routine.


Pack healthy snacks instead of grabbing a croissant from the bakery. Put a jug of water on your kitchen counter, instead of soda. Replace your morning drive with a bike ride. Habits mean getting in a groove… the secret is, you get to choose the groove.


Create a Support System

“Socializing can provide a number of benefits to your physical and mental health,” says an article in Psychology Today. Those benefits include everything from a stronger immune system to a greater sense of wellbeing, and even a longer life expectancy.  


A support system doesn’t just make you happier and healthier though. In fact, spending time with people you love can help you meet your self care goals. Have a friend over to cook healthy meals once a week, set a Saturday morning walking date, or work towards mutual goals together.


By making self care more social, you can nurture your body, mind, and soul - all at the same time.


Get Creative

It may not be easy to sneak away for a dinner-time yoga class, and it may be flat-out impossible to sleep in on a Saturday morning. That means getting creative.


Check out free online yoga classes that you can accomplish in just 15 minutes - while your child draws pictures. Or, pack healthy snacks to take to work with you. Better yet, involve your child in your self-care goals by going for a walk together, signing up for a mommy-and-me yoga class, or maybe you both get jazzed about cooking healthy eats.


Reach Out

“How is it we spend more time taking care of our teeth than we do our minds. Why is it our physical health is so much more important to us than our psychological health?” asks psychologist, Guy Winch.


Everyone needs support, guidance, and encouragement to thrive. And yet your psychological wellbeing is as important as your physical health.


As single moms with busy, intense lives, it is so important to reach out and get the support you need and deserve. Seeing a psychologist, counselor, or getting a mentor can help you maintain your emotional and mental health, so you can live a healthier lifestyle, and be a great mom for your child.


Treat Yourself Kindly

“Self-compassion is simply giving the same kindness to ourselves that we would give to others,” says psychologist, Christopher Germer.


One of the biggest and most powerful way to care for yourself? Treat yourself kindly.


Say kind words to yourself, make yourself a priority, and care for your wellbeing the way you would a close friend. Treating yourself well is as simple as respecting your needs, feeding your interests and passions, and holding yourself in the highest esteem.


You are important, and you deserve all the kindness you can get.


Find Hidden Opportunities for Wellbeing

“To keep up with our roadrunner form of living, we don’t think twice before putting self-care on the back burner,” says an article in Forbes.


Yet, there are opportunities for self care hiding throughout your day. Start getting creative about caring for your wellbeing; whether that means prioritizing time with friends, filling the fridge with fruit and veggies, taking an online yoga class, or seeing a counselor.


By making self care a priority, you are saying yes to a healthier lifestyle, and to a happier family and future.


Summary of Part II: Part two of this article looks at great strategies for supporting your body, mind, and soul.



Phina Pipia

Phina Pipia is passionate about helping single moms and step families navigate new roles, develop positive strategies, and build strong relationships that keep them healthy, happy, and thriving. As a full-time writer, Phina develops marketing copy for successful brands around the globe; including Johnson & Johnson, The Core Results, and yes… Bonfami! She is also the tuba player for The Unexpected Brass Band; performs with the magic & mind-reading duo, The Psychic Dynasty; and tours her original work as a singer-songwriter.

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