How and Why to Listen to Your Child: Part I


Life is busy. And for single moms, it can be crazy busy.


In the midst of the often overwhelming chaos of everyday life, it can be easy to dismiss the things our children have to say; easy to push conversations until later, or to get preoccupied by our commitments.


And yet, listening to your child is important. It has all kinds of benefits, from boosting self esteem to strengthening your relationship, developing social skills to minimizing the risk of depression and anxiety.


In this first part of our three-part series on listening, we’ll look at the reasons listening is such an integral parenting activity.


5 Reasons Listening to Your Child Makes All the Difference

Here are 5 key ways listening to your child will transform your relationship, boost your child’s well-being, and yes, make you healthier and happier too.


Supports Communication

By listening to your child, you’re setting the stage for an open line of communication; building a tradition of sharing ideas, concerns, worries, and thoughts throughout the years.


Invites Respect

“The most important way to talk so your child will listen is to listen to your child,” points out an article in WebMD. Listening to your child invites your child to listen in return.


Builds Self-Esteem

“Listening affirms that the speaker has something worthwhile to say,” says an article in Psychology Today. By listening to your child, you show them that their ideas are important.


Provides Insight

Your child has new experiences every day. Listening is a window into your child’s world; the best way to learn about who your child is, what they feel, and how you can help and guide them.


Develops Social Skills

“Your attentive listening provides your child with a fabulous role model for the development of positive social relationships,” says an article in Childhood 101. By listening actively, you show your child how it’s done.


Shares Ideas

You will be amazed by the great perspectives your child shares, and the brilliant ideas they come up with. Listening doesn’t just benefit your child, it can benefit you too!


Listening Takes Practice. And You Can Start Today.

The great thing about listening? It’s available to everyone.


You don’t have to buy it at the store, or earn it by working hard. You can practice being an awesome listener for your child - starting now!


And, we want to hear from you. How does listening to your child affect your relationship? What do you do to make sure your child feels heard?


Summary of Parts II and III: Part two of this series looks at ways to build listening into your busy schedule, and part three discusses real techniques for listening.


Phina Pipia

Phina Pipia is passionate about helping single moms and step families navigate new roles, develop positive strategies, and build strong relationships that keep them healthy, happy, and thriving. As a full-time writer, Phina develops marketing copy for successful brands around the globe; including Johnson & Johnson, The Core Results, and yes… Bonfami! She is also the tuba player for The Unexpected Brass Band; performs with the magic & mind-reading duo, The Psychic Dynasty; and tours her original work as a singer-songwriter.

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