How to Meet Your Own Goals, While Being an Awesome Single Mom: Part I


Are you struggling to meet your personal goals - while juggling the huge responsibility of motherhood?

You’re not alone. Many single moms find it almost impossible to meet their personal ambitions while raising for a child.

How are you supposed to find time to write that novel, when you have a toddler throwing applesauce at the walls? And how exactly can you work towards that master’s degree, when your ten year old needs to be driven to soccer practice every afternoon?

And yet, working towards your goals is one of the most important things you can do - not just for yourself, but for your little one too.

Your child is watching you and learning from you every single day. By prioritizing and achieving your goals, your child learns follow-through, commitment, and focus. Not only that, but your child will benefit from the sense of fulfillment you feel when you reach a major milestone.

So, let’s take a look at some ways you can work towards your goals, while also being and awesome mom.

Set Your Intentions

First, be clear about what your goals are. Too many people have vague ideas about what they want, and it’s hard to create a plan of action if you’re not sure what it is you’d like to achieve. Define exactly what it is you want. Write it down. Tell your friends. Tell yourself.

By setting your intentions, clearly visualizing where you want to be, and defining specifically what that looks like - you can take smart steps that get you there.

Do One Thing - Every Day

Major accomplishments don’t happen in one big swoop. They actually happen one small step at a time. That’s why it’s so important to do one thing each day.

It doesn’t have to be a huge thing. It can be as simple as making a phone call, printing out an application, or writing a to-do list. By taking one step towards your ambitions each day, you’re making major progress in the long-term.

Celebrate Failure

That’s right: FAILURE. Failure means you’re out there, taking risks, getting your hands dirty, and working towards your goals. Not only that, but every failure is a huge opportunity for learning and growth.

Celebrate your failures, because each failure is another step closer to your goals.

Commit to Completion

It’s easy to let things slide when life gets busy. Instead, make a personal commitment to follow-through with every goal you set. Define both short-term and long-term deadlines, and stick with them.

Remember, the energy you put behind your achievements will have real rewards for you, and will also be an example that your child follows for a lifetime.

Focus on the Process. Celebrate the Product.

Stay true to yourself, be dedicated to your vision, and remain focused on the process. Remember to celebrate every time you reach a personal milestone - those moments are important!

And hey, you’ve got this. Nothing worth achieving was ever easy; so stay committed to yourself and your dreams. They are truly worth living.

Summary of Part II: In part two of this series, we’ll take a look at how to set aside personal time for your goals, how to incorporate your child into your aspirations, and why it’s important to connect with others when achieving your dreams.


Phina Pipia

Phina Pipia is passionate about helping single moms and step families navigate new roles, develop positive strategies, and build strong relationships that keep them healthy, happy, and thriving. As a full-time writer, Phina develops marketing copy for successful brands around the globe; including Johnson & Johnson, The Core Results, and yes… Bonfami! She is also the tuba player for The Unexpected Brass Band; performs with the magic & mind-reading duo, The Psychic Dynasty; and tours her original work as a singer-songwriter.

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